Unlocking Nature’s Secrets, Honoring Ancestral Roots

At Wild + Rooted, our mission is to unlock the timeless wisdom of nature and honor our ancestral roots to empower holistic well-being. We are dedicated to providing natural, high-quality herbal remedies and products that embody the healing traditions of our ancestors. By blending ancient knowledge with modern research, we aim to nurture and restore balance in mind, body, and spirit. Through our commitment to sustainability and community, we strive to inspire a deeper connection with nature and promote the profound wisdom passed down through generations.

Our Products

Natural Factors B12 Methylcobalamin 10,000 Mg Chewable 30 Tab

In stock
Product Details
UPC: 1244

30 Chewable Tablets (SKU 1244)

For people with B12 deficiencies it is popular to have injectable vitamin B12; however, research supports that oral administration of an appropriate dosage has been shown to produce as good of results as injectable preparations in treating vitamin B12 deficiency.*

Methylcobalamin (vitamin B12) is active immediately upon absorption, while other forms (e.g., cyanocobalamin) must be converted to methylcobalamin in a two-step process. Methylcobalamin demonstrates exceptional activity in areas where other forms are simply not active. B12 supplementation is recommended for vegetarians and those with B12 deficiency.*
It helps form red blood cells, prevents vitamin B12 deficiency and helps maintain good health.*

In people with low levels of B12, supplementation is very effective in improving energy levels and restoring mental function.*

Check with your doctor or health professional on what is the best form and potency for you.

Suggested Use

Chew or dissolve 1 tablet per day in mouth before swallowing or as directed by a health professional.

Suggested Use

Chew or dissolve 1 tablet per day in mouth before swallowing or as directed by a health professional.
Save this product for later

Modern Research.

Embracing Ancestral Roots.

Wild + Rooted Holistic Health is a health & wellness boutique located in Oxford, Michigan that provides the highest quality supplements, body care, and other health and wellness products. We are locally owned and operated which means that we have complete control over what goes on our shelves. Unlike big-box, chain stores we don’t just push whatever product happened to be on yesterday’s daytime talk show. We hand pick and test everything. At Wild + Rooted, we combine ancient knowledge with modern research, aiming to nurture and restore balance in mind, body, and spirit. Our commitment is to sustainability and community and inspiring a deeper connection with nature and promote the profound wisdom passed down through generations.

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Products We Sell


Fish Oil
Stress Relief
Allergy/Sinus Relief
Weight Loss/Control
Essential Oils/Diffusers
Protein/Meal Replacements

Bath Salts

upcoming classes and workshops at Wild + Rooted


Services Offered

Breastfeeding Support

Every Tuesday from 10am to 12pm

A welcoming space for new moms and expectant mothers to receive FREE breastfeeding support while enjoying a comforting cup of tea.

Meet The Team

Meet the professionals behind Wild + Rooted Holistic Health and how they can help guide you through your holistic wellness journey.

Our Blog


Baking Bread at Home Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec diam ultricies, scelerisque arcu quis, mattis purus. Morbi tellus nibh, sollicitudin a gravida quis, commodo eget eros. Servings 4 Ready In: 2hrs 45min Calories: 610 Good For: Lunch...

Homemade Ghee

Homemade GheeReady In: 15 minInroduction About this Recipe By: Luke and Laura FarwellIngredients  1 pound unsalted butter (organic)  Directions:Put the butter in a heavy, medium-sized pan. Turn the heat on to medium until the butter melts. Turn down the heat...

Visit Us

111 S Washington St.
Oxford, MI 48371

Wild + Rooted Holistic Health is the first Michigan company to go completely NON-GMO